Source code for pointpats.spacetime

Methods for identifying space-time interaction in spatio-temporal event
__author__ = "Nicholas Malizia <>", "Sergio J. Rey \
<>", "Philip Stephens <"

__all__ = ['SpaceTimeEvents', 'knox', 'mantel', 'jacquez', 'modified_knox']

import os
import libpysal as lps
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as stats
from libpysal import cg
from datetime import date

[docs]class SpaceTimeEvents: """ Method for reformatting event data stored in a shapefile for use in calculating metrics of spatio-temporal interaction. Parameters ---------- path : string the path to the appropriate shapefile, including the file name and extension time : string column header in the DBF file indicating the column containing the time stamp. infer_timestamp : bool, optional if the column containing the timestamp is formatted as calendar dates, try to coerce them into Python datetime objects (the default is False). Attributes ---------- n : int number of events. x : array (n, 1), array of the x coordinates for the events. y : array (n, 1), array of the y coordinates for the events. t : array (n, 1), array of the temporal coordinates for the events. space : array (n, 2), array of the spatial coordinates (x,y) for the events. time : array (n, 2), array of the temporal coordinates (t,1) for the events, the second column is a vector of ones. Examples -------- Read in the example shapefile data, ensuring to omit the file extension. In order to successfully create the event data the .dbf file associated with the shapefile should have a column of values that are a timestamp for the events. This timestamp may be a numerical value or a date. Date inference was added in version 1.6. >>> import libpysal as lps >>> path = lps.examples.get_path("burkitt.shp") >>> from pointpats import SpaceTimeEvents Create an instance of SpaceTimeEvents from a shapefile, where the temporal information is stored in a column named "T". >>> events = SpaceTimeEvents(path,'T') See how many events are in the instance. >>> events.n 188 Check the spatial coordinates of the first event. >>>[0] array([300., 302.]) Check the time of the first event. >>> events.t[0] array([413.]) Calculate the time difference between the first two events. >>> events.t[1] - events.t[0] array([59.]) New, in 1.6, date support: Now, create an instance of SpaceTimeEvents from a shapefile, where the temporal information is stored in a column named "DATE". >>> events = SpaceTimeEvents(path,'DATE') See how many events are in the instance. >>> events.n 188 Check the spatial coordinates of the first event. >>>[0] array([300., 302.]) Check the time of the first event. Note that this value is equivalent to 413 days after January 1, 1900. >>> events.t[0][0], 2, 16) Calculate the time difference between the first two events. >>> (events.t[1][0] - events.t[0][0]).days 59 """
[docs] def __init__(self, path, time_col, infer_timestamp=False): shp = head, tail = os.path.split(path) dbf_tail = tail.split(".")[0]+".dbf" dbf = # extract the spatial coordinates from the shapefile x = [coords[0] for coords in shp] y = [coords[1] for coords in shp] self.n = n = len(shp) x = np.array(x) y = np.array(y) self.x = np.reshape(x, (n, 1)) self.y = np.reshape(y, (n, 1)) = np.hstack((self.x, self.y)) # extract the temporal information from the database if infer_timestamp: col = dbf.by_col(time_col) if isinstance(col[0], date): day1 = min(col) col = [(d - day1).days for d in col] t = np.array(col) else: print("Unable to parse your time column as Python datetime \ objects, proceeding as integers.") t = np.array(col) else: t = np.array(dbf.by_col(time_col)) line = np.ones((n, 1)) self.t = np.reshape(t, (n, 1)) self.time = np.hstack((self.t, line)) # close open objects dbf.close() shp.close()
[docs]def knox(s_coords, t_coords, delta, tau, permutations=99, debug=False): """ Knox test for spatio-temporal interaction. :cite:`Knox:1964` Parameters ---------- s_coords : array (n, 2), spatial coordinates. t_coords : array (n, 1), temporal coordinates. delta : float threshold for proximity in space. tau : float threshold for proximity in time. permutations : int, optional the number of permutations used to establish pseudo- significance (the default is 99). debug : bool, optional if true, debugging information is printed (the default is False). Returns ------- knox_result : dictionary contains the statistic (stat) for the test and the associated p-value (pvalue). stat : float value of the knox test for the dataset. pvalue : float pseudo p-value associated with the statistic. counts : int count of space time neighbors. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import libpysal as lps >>> from pointpats import SpaceTimeEvents, knox Read in the example data and create an instance of SpaceTimeEvents. >>> path = lps.examples.get_path("burkitt.shp") >>> events = SpaceTimeEvents(path,'T') Set the random seed generator. This is used by the permutation based inference to replicate the pseudo-significance of our example results - the end-user will normally omit this step. >>> np.random.seed(100) Run the Knox test with distance and time thresholds of 20 and 5, respectively. This counts the events that are closer than 20 units in space, and 5 units in time. >>> result = knox(, events.t, delta=20, tau=5, permutations=99) Next, we examine the results. First, we call the statistic from the results dictionary. This reports that there are 13 events close in both space and time, according to our threshold definitions. >>> result['stat'] == 13 True Next, we look at the pseudo-significance of this value, calculated by permuting the timestamps and rerunning the statistics. In this case, the results indicate there is likely no space-time interaction between the events. >>> print("%2.2f"%result['pvalue']) 0.17 """ # Do a kdtree on space first as the number of ties (identical points) is # likely to be lower for space than time. kd_s = cg.KDTree(s_coords) neigh_s = kd_s.query_pairs(delta) tau2 = tau * tau ids = np.array(list(neigh_s)) # For the neighboring pairs in space, determine which are also time # neighbors d_t = (t_coords[ids[:, 0]] - t_coords[ids[:, 1]]) ** 2 n_st = sum(d_t <= tau2) knox_result = {'stat': n_st[0]} if permutations: joint = np.zeros((permutations, 1), int) for p in range(permutations): np.random.shuffle(t_coords) d_t = (t_coords[ids[:, 0]] - t_coords[ids[:, 1]]) ** 2 joint[p] = np.sum(d_t <= tau2) larger = sum(joint >= n_st[0]) if (permutations - larger) < larger: larger = permutations - larger p_sim = (larger + 1.) / (permutations + 1.) knox_result['pvalue'] = p_sim return knox_result
[docs]def mantel(s_coords, t_coords, permutations=99, scon=1.0, spow=-1.0, tcon=1.0, tpow=-1.0): """ Standardized Mantel test for spatio-temporal interaction. :cite:`Mantel:1967` Parameters ---------- s_coords : array (n, 2), spatial coordinates. t_coords : array (n, 1), temporal coordinates. permutations : int, optional the number of permutations used to establish pseudo- significance (the default is 99). scon : float, optional constant added to spatial distances (the default is 1.0). spow : float, optional value for power transformation for spatial distances (the default is -1.0). tcon : float, optional constant added to temporal distances (the default is 1.0). tpow : float, optional value for power transformation for temporal distances (the default is -1.0). Returns ------- mantel_result : dictionary contains the statistic (stat) for the test and the associated p-value (pvalue). stat : float value of the knox test for the dataset. pvalue : float pseudo p-value associated with the statistic. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import libpysal as lps >>> from pointpats import SpaceTimeEvents, mantel Read in the example data and create an instance of SpaceTimeEvents. >>> path = lps.examples.get_path("burkitt.shp") >>> events = SpaceTimeEvents(path,'T') Set the random seed generator. This is used by the permutation based inference to replicate the pseudo-significance of our example results - the end-user will normally omit this step. >>> np.random.seed(100) The standardized Mantel test is a measure of matrix correlation between the spatial and temporal distance matrices of the event dataset. The following example runs the standardized Mantel test without a constant or transformation; however, as recommended by :cite:`Mantel:1967`, these should be added by the user. This can be done by adjusting the constant and power parameters. >>> result = mantel(, events.t, 99, scon=1.0, spow=-1.0, tcon=1.0, tpow=-1.0) Next, we examine the result of the test. >>> print("%6.6f"%result['stat']) 0.048368 Finally, we look at the pseudo-significance of this value, calculated by permuting the timestamps and rerunning the statistic for each of the 99 permutations. According to these parameters, the results indicate space-time interaction between the events. >>> print("%2.2f"%result['pvalue']) 0.01 """ t = t_coords s = s_coords n = len(t) # calculate the spatial and temporal distance matrices for the events distmat = cg.distance_matrix(s) timemat = cg.distance_matrix(t) # calculate the transformed standardized statistic timevec = (timemat[np.tril_indices(timemat.shape[0], k = -1)] + tcon) ** tpow distvec = (distmat[np.tril_indices(distmat.shape[0], k = -1)] + scon) ** spow stat = stats.pearsonr(timevec, distvec)[0].sum() # return the results (if no inference) if not permutations: return stat # loop for generating a random distribution to assess significance dist = [] for i in range(permutations): trand = _shuffle_matrix(timemat, np.arange(n)) timevec = (trand[np.tril_indices(trand.shape[0], k = -1)] + tcon) ** tpow m = stats.pearsonr(timevec, distvec)[0].sum() dist.append(m) ## establish the pseudo significance of the observed statistic distribution = np.array(dist) greater =, stat) count = pvalue = (count + 1.0) / (permutations + 1.0) # report the results mantel_result = {'stat': stat, 'pvalue': pvalue} return mantel_result
[docs]def jacquez(s_coords, t_coords, k, permutations=99): """ Jacquez k nearest neighbors test for spatio-temporal interaction. :cite:`Jacquez:1996` Parameters ---------- s_coords : array (n, 2), spatial coordinates. t_coords : array (n, 1), temporal coordinates. k : int the number of nearest neighbors to be searched. permutations : int, optional the number of permutations used to establish pseudo- significance (the default is 99). Returns ------- jacquez_result : dictionary contains the statistic (stat) for the test and the associated p-value (pvalue). stat : float value of the Jacquez k nearest neighbors test for the dataset. pvalue : float p-value associated with the statistic (normally distributed with k-1 df). Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import libpysal as lps >>> from pointpats import SpaceTimeEvents, jacquez Read in the example data and create an instance of SpaceTimeEvents. >>> path = lps.examples.get_path("burkitt.shp") >>> events = SpaceTimeEvents(path,'T') The Jacquez test counts the number of events that are k nearest neighbors in both time and space. The following runs the Jacquez test on the example data and reports the resulting statistic. In this case, there are 13 instances where events are nearest neighbors in both space and time. # turning off as kdtree changes from scipy < 0.12 return 13 >>> np.random.seed(100) >>> result = jacquez(, events.t ,k=3,permutations=99) >>> print(result['stat']) 13 The significance of this can be assessed by calling the p- value from the results dictionary, as shown below. Again, no space-time interaction is observed. >>> result['pvalue'] < 0.01 False """ time = t_coords space = s_coords n = len(time) # calculate the nearest neighbors in space and time separately knnt = lps.weights.KNN.from_array(time, k) knns = lps.weights.KNN.from_array(space, k) nnt = knnt.neighbors nns = knns.neighbors knn_sum = 0 # determine which events are nearest neighbors in both space and time for i in range(n): t_neighbors = nnt[i] s_neighbors = nns[i] check = set(t_neighbors) inter = check.intersection(s_neighbors) count = len(inter) knn_sum += count stat = knn_sum # return the results (if no inference) if not permutations: return stat # loop for generating a random distribution to assess significance dist = [] for p in range(permutations): j = 0 trand = np.random.permutation(time) knnt = lps.weights.KNN.from_array(trand, k) nnt = knnt.neighbors for i in range(n): t_neighbors = nnt[i] s_neighbors = nns[i] check = set(t_neighbors) inter = check.intersection(s_neighbors) count = len(inter) j += count dist.append(j) # establish the pseudo significance of the observed statistic distribution = np.array(dist) greater =, stat) count = pvalue = (count + 1.0) / (permutations + 1.0) # report the results jacquez_result = {'stat': stat, 'pvalue': pvalue} return jacquez_result
[docs]def modified_knox(s_coords, t_coords, delta, tau, permutations=99): """ Baker's modified Knox test for spatio-temporal interaction. :cite:`Baker:2004` Parameters ---------- s_coords : array (n, 2), spatial coordinates. t_coords : array (n, 1), temporal coordinates. delta : float threshold for proximity in space. tau : float threshold for proximity in time. permutations : int, optional the number of permutations used to establish pseudo- significance (the default is 99). Returns ------- modknox_result : dictionary contains the statistic (stat) for the test and the associated p-value (pvalue). stat : float value of the modified knox test for the dataset. pvalue : float pseudo p-value associated with the statistic. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import libpysal as lps >>> from pointpats import SpaceTimeEvents, modified_knox Read in the example data and create an instance of SpaceTimeEvents. >>> path = lps.examples.get_path("burkitt.shp") >>> events = SpaceTimeEvents(path, 'T') Set the random seed generator. This is used by the permutation based inference to replicate the pseudo-significance of our example results - the end-user will normally omit this step. >>> np.random.seed(100) Run the modified Knox test with distance and time thresholds of 20 and 5, respectively. This counts the events that are closer than 20 units in space, and 5 units in time. >>> result = modified_knox(, events.t, delta=20, tau=5, permutations=99) Next, we examine the results. First, we call the statistic from the results dictionary. This reports the difference between the observed and expected Knox statistic. >>> print("%2.8f" % result['stat']) 2.81016043 Next, we look at the pseudo-significance of this value, calculated by permuting the timestamps and rerunning the statistics. In this case, the results indicate there is likely no space-time interaction. >>> print("%2.2f" % result['pvalue']) 0.11 """ s = s_coords t = t_coords n = len(t) # calculate the spatial and temporal distance matrices for the events sdistmat = cg.distance_matrix(s) tdistmat = cg.distance_matrix(t) # identify events within thresholds spacmat = np.ones((n, n)) spacbin = sdistmat <= delta spacmat = spacmat * spacbin timemat = np.ones((n, n)) timebin = tdistmat <= tau timemat = timemat * timebin # calculate the observed (original) statistic knoxmat = timemat * spacmat obsstat = (knoxmat.sum() - n) # calculate the expectated value ssumvec = np.reshape((spacbin.sum(axis=0) - 1), (n, 1)) tsumvec = np.reshape((timebin.sum(axis=0) - 1), (n, 1)) expstat = (ssumvec * tsumvec).sum() # calculate the modified stat stat = (obsstat - (expstat / (n - 1.0))) / 2.0 # return results (if no inference) if not permutations: return stat distribution = [] # loop for generating a random distribution to assess significance for p in range(permutations): rtdistmat = _shuffle_matrix(tdistmat, list(range(n))) timemat = np.ones((n, n)) timebin = rtdistmat <= tau timemat = timemat * timebin # calculate the observed knox again knoxmat = timemat * spacmat obsstat = (knoxmat.sum() - n) # calculate the expectated value again ssumvec = np.reshape((spacbin.sum(axis=0) - 1), (n, 1)) tsumvec = np.reshape((timebin.sum(axis=0) - 1), (n, 1)) expstat = (ssumvec * tsumvec).sum() # calculate the modified stat tempstat = (obsstat - (expstat / (n - 1.0))) / 2.0 distribution.append(tempstat) # establish the pseudo significance of the observed statistic distribution = np.array(distribution) greater =, stat) count = pvalue = (count + 1.0) / (permutations + 1.0) # return results modknox_result = {'stat': stat, 'pvalue': pvalue} return modknox_result
def _shuffle_matrix(X, ids): """ Random permutation of rows and columns of a matrix Parameters ---------- X : array (k, k), array to be permuted. ids : array range (k, ). Returns ------- : array (k, k) with rows and columns randomly shuffled. """ np.random.shuffle(ids) return X[ids, :][:, ids]